Facts about Eating Disorders

According to this infographic from Gourmandia eating disorders have the the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. According to a Canadian study  of women between the ages of 15-25 1-2% have anorexia and 2-3% have bulimia. Those are staggering numbers and they’re probably underreported.

The media glamourization of so-called ideal bodies, coupled with the view that dieting is a normal activity, can obscure a person’s eating problems. It can be difficult for a person with an eating disorder to admit they have a problem. Knowing how to support someone with an eating disorder is also a challenge. Treatment is available – it can be a long process, but an eating disorder can be overcome. If you think that you, or someone you know, has an eating disorder, it is important to learn the facts. Gaining an understanding of these conditions is the first step in the journey to wellness.

Mental Health: Facts About Eating Disorders

by angelvicky.
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