Celebrities and Famous People who Have Suffered with Mental Illness

If you’ve been diagnosed with a mental disorder and are feeling overwhelmed and scared it might help to know that many, many famous people, celebrities and even founding fathers have also struggled with mood disorders, anxiety and a bunch of other mental disorders.

The following is a short list of notorious people who have dealt with mental illness. Click here to see a list of 300 famous people who have struggled with mental illness.


John Adams – Depression and Anxiety

Calvin Coolidge – Depression

Thomas Jefferson – Depression and Hypochondria

Abraham Lincoln – Depression

James Madison – Depression

Franklin Pierce – Depression

It’s interesting to note that all of these presidents suffered an early and devastating loss such as that of a child.

Celebrities and Musicians

Amanda Bynes – Schizophrenia, Bipolar I

Drew Carey – Depression

Curt Cobain – ADD, Bipolar, Depression

Paula Deen – Panic Attacks

Carrie Fisher – Bipolar I

Mel Gibson – Bipolar I

Elton John – Bulimia

Margot Kidder – Bipolar I and Paranoia

Donny Osmond – Depression, Social Phobia

Brooke Shields – Postpartum Depression

Britney Spears – Personality Disorder

Amy Winehouse – Bipolar I

Catherine Zeta Jones – Bipolar II

This is just a short list of famous people who have suffered mental illness. Some have had great success with treatment while others have succumbed to their illness. If you’ve been diagnosed with a mental disorder or think you may suffer from one please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment. You are not alone.

~Anna Lamden MA, MS, LPC



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